Post-Christmas Blues and God’s Goodness

“…Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Matthew 6:33

The beginning of January always makes me think about setting goals and making resolutions. There have been years in the past when I would make long, detailed lists of things that I wanted to accomplish in the coming year. The lists almost always included learn to do the splits.

Funny, I still can’t do the splits, and honestly, I don’t care much to learn anymore. It sounds more painful than fun.

But this year, during the post-Christmas blues (you know, the big letdown once you realize Christmas is over and the rest of the year is coming), I was thinking about what I wanted the coming year to hold. I realized I didn’t want to make a long, detailed list of things that I would never do anyway. I wanted to write, and I wanted to get closer to God. So those are my goals for this year, along with stuff like “wake up before 9AM on weekdays”, because that has been a bit of a problem over Christmas break!

I’ve wanted a blog for years, actually, so this is sort of a dream come true. On my birthday list, nearly two years ago, I asked for a blog. I don’t know what I expected, because, how do you get a blog for your birthday?

This past year has been crazy, to say the least. Between renovating two houses and a worldwide pandemic and homeschooling, it felt like one of the hardest years I’ve ever lived through. Strange, though, I think if I had a choice to live it over again, I wouldn’t do it. It was hard, but there were enough good parts that I wouldn’t wish it away.

There were a lot of good parts, now that I think of it. More than enough.

Since we haven’t been able to go to church for several months now, on Sunday mornings (by morning I mean about 11AM), as a family we have been reading through the book of Matthew. We’ll read a paragraph, then discuss it at lengths, gleaning more from it than you would think possible. It’s been really good, and I feel like I’ve learned more about God and His goodness over the past year than I have any other year of my life!

One of the things I’ve really loved the past several months is Psalm 34. I don’t know exactly what is so refreshing about it, but I just love it more every time I read it.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.

Fear the Lord, you His holy people, for those who fear Him lack nothing.

The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Psalm 34:8-14

Sometimes the hardest parts of the day for me are the basic, everyday tasks. The menial stuff that seems really unimportant, like washing dishes and brushing hair and making beds. Things like reading my bible and praying, too. It’s hard to find time for all the little things, when there are big things I want to do like writing novels and learning to play instruments and working on a blog.

Then there’s the huge stuff, like how to deal with a pandemic and social problems like not seeing people for months. It’s awkward to be around people, and feeling awkward feels bad. It gets tough, just the little things. It seems impossible just to get out of bed, some days, because I know that there will be things that require my input and patience, and often I feel so drained I don’t know if I can do it.

But something I’ve noticed more throughout all of this is that God is patient. He wants to fill me with energy and stamina and all that good stuff. He’ll wait for me to get through all of my struggles, and He’ll help me through them. He’s not mad if I don’t read my bible every day. He just wants a relationship, that’s all He’s asking for.

So that is one of my goals for this coming year. I want to take time on my relationships, with friends and family and God. Of all the things I could make goals about, relationships are one of the most lasting things I could invest my time in.

So Happy New Year, everybody. May you find worthwhile goals this year.

Photo by Bernard Herman on Unsplash.

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