The Splendor of the Mountains

As a family, we have had the tremendous opportunity to take a trip to Colorado. I’ve always wanted to visit the mountains, but until now, I never have.

Last Saturday was pretty crazy, I must admit. Waking up, eating, then double-checking all of our 12 suitcases to be sure we had everything we needed. Our trip will be 10 days long, and with 8 people in my family, that’s a lot of luggage. Getting to the airport wasn’t too bad. We got there early, and sat around waiting for our flight for about three hours. Something you need to know is that I’ve never been on a plane, so this was nerve-racking. The plane was cramped and tight, and I was squashed in the middle of a row, between my brother and a stranger. I had meant to get some reading done (as I had bought a new novel for the occasion and had been trying desperately hard to save it for the trip) but as soon as the plane started barreling down the runway, thoughts of books were gone. I was above the clouds. The world was a blur of green and brown land beneath me. I was flying.

I’ve always wanted to fly. I’ve had so many dreams where I can fly, then I wake up in the morning, and I realize sadly that I am unfortunately grounded to earth. So, once my ears stopped popping and I could really look down at the earth, so small, I suddenly forgot my nerves. And I realized just how small I really was. The cars on the highways looked like tiny black specks, the trees like splatters of paint on a canvas. The clouds looked like mounds of snow. It was beautiful.

Once we landed in Denver, I think it really hit me. I am in Colorado. This is really happening.

After some more logistics (which are too numerous and hectic to mention) we were at our hotel for the night. We crashed. To our bodies, it was midnight, though the clock only said 10:00. Time changes. (Shudder.)

Then, yesterday morning, we packed up once more and began the 1 1/2 hour drive to Estes Park. My mom had been to Estes about twenty years ago, and she told us that ever since, she wanted to go back, and bring her then-nonexistent-family. So, for her, this is a dream come true. For me, I just wanted to see the mountains. I’d heard lots about them, having friends who live near them, but I had never seen them with my own eyes. Even on the drive to Estes, there were no sign of them. Maybe they aren’t real after all. Of course, I knew they were real…. but I needed to see them for myself.

Then I did. What had before looked like fog on the horizon morphed into the hazy shapes of mountains. And as soon as the revelation had been made, they were everywhere. Spanning the view from as far left to as far right as I could see, I realized that we were surrounded by these rocky majesties.

I hadn’t realized at first that we would actually be driving through the mountains. As far as I had known, they’d forever be in the distance. (This is where I chuckle ruefully.) I was wrong. We drove through the mountains. Like, on the mountains. The roads were curved and winding, and followed the natural curves of the side of the mountains. Pine trees were everywhere, and the sky was a misty gray. (It had rained the day before.)

We stopped at a small overlook off the side of the mountain road, where a large stone sign proudly displayed the words ESTES PARK. The point of the overlook wasn’t really the view, I think. The point of it was all of the small chipmunk-like creatures that resided there in packs. They were tame, and would eat out of your hand. So my brother ran to our 12-passenger-van and grabbed a package of peanut butter crackers, and we fed the chipmunks. They were rounder and fatter than should be allowed, but they were oh-so-cute, it must be said!

After some more beautiful drive, we reached the YMCA of the Rockies, where we are staying at a cabin for the next few nights. It’s lovely, being surrounded by the mountains and the trees. (Can I say enough about the mountains and the trees? I don’t think so.) And every time I look out the window, it hits me again. This place is full of splendor and majesty. God made these mountains. I am so small. And it is just amazing.

I woke up this morning and sat on our cabin porch, sipped my coffee, and looked at the mountains.

I told mom and dad yesterday, after my first awe-inspiring glimpse of the Rockies, that when I grow up I am moving to Colorado, living in a house on the side of the mountain, and living a solitary life as a writer. We’ll see about that. Wouldn’t it be awesome, though? My only concern would be the bears and mountain lions that apparently live here. In our cabin, there were several pamphlets describing what to do lest you encounter one.

All of that said, I think this will be a wonderful vacation. I want to really experience God while I am here. Really, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I plan on making the most of it.

I plan on blogging more about our trip as it unfolds, mainly just so that I can remember the little things.

Have a great day everyone, and may God bless you all!

This photo, along with the one on the title of this post are ones that I took this morning from our porch. So lovely!

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