“Some Things Never Change”?

Before you’re scared away by the title, No, this post is not about Frozen II. 😂

I watched Frozen II with my sisters this week. If you’ve seen it, you’ll remember the song, “Some Things Never Change”.

I’ve seen the movie before (several times, haha, having three sisters). But this time, that song stuck in my head longer than usual. And yesterday morning, lying in my bed, I was thinking, “Is that true?”

Is it true that some things never change?

In the context of the movie, they’re talking about how even though some things change, they all still love each other.

Some things never change
Turn around and the time has flown
Some things stay the same
Though the future remains unknown
May our good luck last
May our past be past
Time’s moving fast, it’s true
Some things never change
And I’m holding on tight to you

“Some Things Never Change” – Frozen II

I liked that idea. But since I tend to analyze every story I encounter, I started thinking about this.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, and in the hazy Saturday-morning-half-asleep state, I was wondering. How will things be different a year from now? Two years? Five? Ten? I’ll be well into my twenties in ten years. There are obviously some changes happening between now and then. I know that things are going to be changing. We all anticipate changes, whether we realize it or not.

And I thought: The way things are, right now –It won’t be here for long. Soon it’ll not be the present but a memory.

I think about this often, actually. The whole concept of time is so interesting. Is it really real? Or is it just a word we use to try and make sense of how everything is always changing?

It’s a fact of life: things are going to keep changing.

It could almost be a scary thought, if you think about it too much. Life is so exciting, but there’s part of me that wishes the clock could stop and I could stay in this moment. Right now, sitting at my laptop with a cup of coffee, writing and listening to “Psalm 126” by Drew Miller.

So I was asking God about this. Is there anything that will never change?

Anything at all???

It’s not that I never want things to change – in fact the future has always been sort of exciting for me. But it got me thinking.

And as I kept thinking about it, I remembered a verse*:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever!

Psalm 107:1 NIV

Or here’s the Passion Translation –

Let everyone give all their praise and thanks to the Lord!
Here’s why—he’s better than anyone could ever imagine.
Yes, he’s always loving and kind, and his faithful love never ends.

Psalm 107:1 TPT

When I decide intentionally to slow down and actually converse with God, I’m always reassured. When the big thoughts trouble me, he reminds me, “Hey, look over here at me. I’m not changing. I’m right here.”

He’s good. He’s got me. There’s nothing I need to worry about because even if everything in my life were stripped away, I’d still have him. It’s a choice I need to make every day – trusting him. Resting in his goodness.

Choosing to believe that even when things happen and life is uncertain and scary, his love endures FOREVER and there’s nothing that can change that. Ever.

*After I finished the first draft of this post last night, I went to my room and opened my Bible to Psalm 136. Literally every other line says, “his love endures forever.” Isn’t God cool?

Photo by Caelie Jones. Thank you again for a stunning photograph.


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