“What is beauty?” – a thought.

At school yesterday a question came up. “What is beauty?”

And, since we’d rather discuss this than finish class, we spent the rest of the period trying to logic out an answer. What is beauty? This post is the product of my meanderings.

Okay. When you think of beautiful things, what comes to mind? Mountains, maybe. Sparkling water. A bride. Flowers. Nature. The sky. Et cetera.

If you look up ‘beautiful’ on dictionary.com, it comes up with:


‘having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind;

excellent of its kind;

wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.’

dictionary.com “beautiful”


But isn’t there more to it than that? Isn’t there a deep, gut level reaction when we encounter something truly beautiful?

Often we correlate something ‘beautiful’ to mean simply ‘pleasing to the eye’.

But what about things like sacrifice, pain, and war? Is there a place for beauty, even in the midst of such ugly things?

Something deep inside me wants to argue that beauty can be found most everywhere, if you look in the right way.

Trying to remember our entire line of reasoning now is hurting my brain – but here is what we came up with in the end.


Beauty is something in its rawest, purest and most vulnerable state.”


Is this the essence of beauty?

Just a thought. I won’t expound on this any more.

Do you agree with this statement?

If not, how would you define beauty?

Comment below to give me your thoughts. I’d love to hear.

Huge shoutout to Caelie Jones for providing these stunning photographs. Thank you again.


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