Concerning Yearbooks, Poetry, Brutus, and Cacti (random life updates)

Hello! Yes, it’s me… I’m not dead. I’m still here.

So, I told myself I would do better about keeping up with everything. But then life happened. I found myself single-handedly designing our school yearbook (fun but more work than I was expecting), and that, along with just regular old LIFE took up a lot of time this month. And then I blink and realize I haven’t blogged (or written anything substantial, for that matter) in over a month.

Sorry, y’all! I hope you haven’t forgotten about me….

Anyway, here are some random updates.


Yup! I had a whole month of poetry! It went pretty well. I successfully wrote 31 poems over the month. I feel like my poetry has improved this month – I’m finding new ways to condense thoughts down into smaller, more compact words.

I feel like my poetry is also getting more conversational – which is a little weird, cause I haven’t heard much poetry like that, but I’m really enjoying it. It’s been a fun experience, and I might have to make poetry month an annual thing.

Plus, it’s been really fun to get emails from you guys and hear what your favorite poems were. Sometimes blogging feels like sending out words into the world and being met with resounding silence…. thusly it’s always great to hear back from y’all in the comments or in reply to emails!


Yep. I got runner-up in The Company‘s spring writing contest. My short story, the Cactus Epistles, will be published on The Pearl soon. Exciting stuff. I also got $50 of free merch from The Company store…. haha.

With all the merch I have from them you’d think I’m some obsessing fangirl or something.

Ah well.


I don’t know if I really have anything to update on. Life is rolling along. This school year is wrapping up. Just today I received the yearbook proof in the mail and it’s the coolest thing to actually hold it in my hands and think “I did this!” (And notice the awkward text right smack in the middle of a page that I definitely DIDN’T mean to paste there… haha. That’s what proofs are for, right!?)

Last night my class put on a scene from Julius Caesar and I got to dress in a toga and be Brutus and slap Cassius in the face and stab Caesar. Fun stuff! 😂

This summer should be nice. I have a few different camps I’m going to, plus I get to hang out with a bunch of friends for a few days in June. I’m hoping this summer will turn out to be restful and refreshing so I can gear up for another school year.

This season of living has been rich and bursting. But this season of writing has been dry. There’s a balance. I’ve just been doing so much living this month.

You know, I think that’s OK. I mean, there’s kind of a point to the saying “Live a life worth writing about”. So… cheers to living!


Not sure what else I have to say. Just wanted to let y’all know I’m still here, I’m still alive, and I’m hopefully going to come up with some more interesting blog topics soon.

If you have any thoughts or ideas on what I should blog about, feel free to shoot me an email at

Until next time —



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