Tag: Identity

Raindrops: A Poem

In the early morning hours, On the porch I sit. I sip my coffee and think about lovely things. And I listen to the birds singing. And the rain that falls from the grey skies Is so beautiful, And peaceful. And I sigh with wonder. In the early morning...

Songbirds: A Poem

In the early morning sunlight, the songbirds awaken. We see them now, in the branches of the maples, Singing with no thought for tomorrow. The light of the sun shows us their gentle beauty, Their eyes, so bright. The cares of the day have not reached them; They have...

Post-Christmas Blues and God’s Goodness

“…Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 The beginning of January always makes me think about setting goals and making resolutions. There have been years in the past when I would make long, detailed lists of...

My Secret Identity

“You can never get rid of what is a part of you, even if you throw it away.” Goethe I’ve been making up stories since I knew how to write. I learned to read somewhere between four and five years old, and once I knew how to translate the...