Hard work and goals: a note of encouragement

Hey y’all! I know it’s been a little while since my last post. There’s a reason for that. Ever heard of NaNoWriMo?

It’s that thing where people write like maniacs and drink more coffee than should be allowed, right? Yuppers.

Today it’s November eighteenth. And though I did not sign up on the official NaNoWriMo website, I (along with some of my writing friends) are holding our own unofficial ‘writing frenzy’. Basically we all set our own writing goals and work as hard as we can this month to meet them.

My personal goal is to reach the 20,000 word mark in my current novel. Right now I’m at 11,227 words (and right after I post this I will be chipping away at it some more). Party streamers and happy dance!

You know, it’s really satisfying to set a goal and work towards it and then see progress. That’s a really important part. If you don’t turn around and look back at all you’ve done, you’ll run our of energy and feel like a failure and then want to give up.

I’ve discovered something about myself through all my writing escapades: I write in spurts. Short bursts of insane creativity that run dry after about two days. Late October, I sat down and wrote 3,000 words in a Sunday afternoon, then didn’t touch my story in a week. I often struggle with feeling like my work isn’t good enough; like it’s not even worth working on. That’s when I have to clear my head, re-focus myself, and realize that God gives me the words to write.

So it’s been challenging to try and write every day of November. (And, I admit it, somedays I didn’t.) Especially while keeping on school at the same time. But all of my writing peeps, along with my sister Anna (who also writes- she’s awesome), have held me accountable and helped me to power through. I’ve written more this month than I have in a long, long time. And all in one story, too! (Have I ever mentioned my tendency towards scatter-brained-ness?)

All that to say, I wanted to drop a note of encouragement to anyone reading this. Whatever it is you’re going through right now, whether it’s school, writing, a tough season of life– you can do this.

You don’t even have to be stressed out. Yes, I do understand stress. Sometimes it just happens. But you don’t have to live in that place of stress and anxiety– if you lean into God and strive for a relationship with Him, you’ll find more peace.

So whatever it is you’re working towards, know that there’s a God who sees your work and if you give it to Him and press through the hard times, it will become something beautiful.

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”

Proverbs 16.3

Well, that’s all for tonight. Keep on chipping away at your goals, and remember that you have a Father who sees you.

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