New year, new paths – same God

Happy 2022, everyone! Wow, the new year has snuck up on us. It feels like it was just September, doesn’t it?

Oh, time flies.

A new year is always somewhere between exciting and daunting. On one hand, it is a fresh start. A chance to take a look at your life, form new habits, be more intentional, take a deep breath.

On the other side of things, it can be sort of scary. We don’t know what the next year will hold. We don’t know what’s just around the corner. We’re stepping from a season of Holidays to a season of school, work, and real-life. Here I sit, drinking my tea called “Christmas Morning” and thinking of how Christmas morning was already a week ago…

If you know me, you know that I love to be productive. I hate to feel lazy – when I realize that I am wasting my time I get so frustrated with myself. I like to get my things done. But I also tend to be a procrastinator- and that is something that I want to get better about. I want to take those bad habits I have, bop them over the head, and replace them with better ones.

So, for me, the start of 2022 feels fresh and exciting. I’m excited to see what the next year will hold. I’m excited to get back into a school routine and start a new semester of high school. I’m excited to grow in my writing.

Can you believe that Thursday (January 6) marks the one-year ‘birthday’ of LadyBluebird? Good grief, the year has flown by. And my blog has grown a lot! In fact, if you haven’t been with me since the beginning, you probably wouldn’t recognize it if you saw how it was then. I was using a generic header photo and a very simple template, and honestly didn’t know what I was doing. 😂

Over this past year, I’ve cultivated this blog, which has been a blast. I’ve written countless poems, reached the 25k mark in my current novel project, and deepened relationships with my friends and with God. Not to mention keeping up with school.

All in all, 2021 was a great year, bursting with God’s goodness.

Thank you all so much for reading, and for your faithful support.

It means the world to me that all of you would take time from your busy days to read a bit of my words. And thank you for sharing my blog with the people you know, as well – as I am growing my blog, that is a blessing to me!

As a friend of mine said so well:

“…Writing is for readers and it needs to be shared. Whether it is stories, essays, poetry, or any other form, it cannot do its job if it does not actually convey its meaning to other people. Writing for ourselves is called learning. But there is a point where it must take flight beyond that. Mere shouts in the desert never have an effect on anyone but the one who cries out. I never want to do this just for myself. It was never meant to be that way.”

Ally K., Goodstrong Words.

Exactly. I couldn’t say it better.

Well, as I mentioned in one of my earliest posts, the beginning of January has something I call the Post-Christmas Blues. That’s the slight letdown you feel once you realize that Christmas is over, the world is crashing into focus, and you have to return to real life. The world outside is cold and grey, you’re re-assessing your life and finding places you fall short, and you have to start studying that Latin book again because you have yet another PSQ (pre-semester quiz) coming up.


But, through all of the new things and the change – no matter what paths you find yourself on, you can always count on one thing.

God is good.

“Before the mountains were born

Or you brought forth the whole world,

From everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

Psalm 90:2

Photo by Caelie Jones.


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