Finding Motivation to Write

As a writer, sometimes you may get discouraged with things that you are working on.

You know you love writing, so why aren’t the words flowing out?

You know this is a good story idea, so why is it so hard??

I’ve hit this blockade several times, and it can be so discouraging when the thing you love doing suddenly isn’t feeling fun anymore. It can make us doubt ourselves. “Am I really a writer? Is this story really worth my time? Why isn’t this exciting anymore?”

This is a moment where you can make a choice. You could let yourself be discouraged or you could find fresh motivation! In the words of Podo Helmer, “Kick despair in the rump.”

What are some ways you could re-motivate yourself about your writing project?

Here are some ideas I had.

  1. Read books. We all have those book series that put longing deep in our bones and make us want to write. Try re-reading some of your favorites or find a new series that inspires you!
  2. Have someone give you a pep talk. Okay, no kidding, me and my sister Anna do this all the time. When one of us wants to write but is too lazy to do anything, the other will say, “Go and write something right now!!” And it usually works.
  3. Clean up your writing area. There’s something wonderfully nice about a clean space to work in. When my desk is clean and organized I’m much more likely to want to write something there.
  4. Do some exercise. Weirdly enough, I generally feel much more clear-headed and ready for some creativity after I’ve run a mile or two. Get the juices flowing!
  5. Buy yourself a new notebook. I did this recently. I had some money to spend on Amazon so I bought a lovely new journal, and let me tell you, I can’t wait to fill it up.
  6. Take a break. Sometimes putting some distance between you and your writing project can help to clear your head and point out what was causing the problem.
  7. Just do the thing. Sometimes my biggest blockade is myself. I tend to procrastinate – maybe you do, too. So gear up your determination, sit down, and write. Even if it’s a load of nothing. Just get the words flowing.

And finally, remember that your identity is not in being a Writer, it’s in being a Child of God. Use your words for him and bring some joy into this world.

Now let’s get writing!


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