Category: Stories, Poetry & Art

Playing with some grayscale markers…

Hey y’all! I’ve been doing a bit of art lately, with a set of ‘grayscale palette’ markers that have been sitting in my art cabinet for way too long. Plus, I’ve rediscovered the joy of listening to audiobooks – right now I’m listening to “Going Solo” by Roald Dahl....

A House of Memories

I was only three years old that summer. My grandparents’ house was an exciting place. Around every corner there was something interesting to be found. From the flower beds in the back, the pumpkins and watermelon and asparagus in the gardens, to the acres of fields that seemed to...

Hosanna to the Son of David

This is a piece I wrote last year for our church’s Palm Sunday service. I recently found it again and thought it was worth sharing. Happy Easter, everyone – He is risen indeed! O Lord, we have been watchful; a people of expectation. In hope we have waited, in...