Fire and Hope: part two

Chloe leapt over an overturned cart and crept between flaming houses. She knew she had to be brave. Radin had said that their mother would be at the shelter, but she wasn’t sure she could believe him. Mother had been out to draw water from the well when the...

Fire and Hope: part one

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, For I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, For to you I entrust my life. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, For I hide myself in you. Psalm 143: 8-9 NIV The...

Souvenirs, Stickers, and So Forth

Have I mentioned how I fell in love with Estes Park the moment I laid eyes on it? I suppose you could call it love at first sight. Not just the town, full of the tourist shops and quaint roads, but the whole place. The mountains and trees (there...

The Splendor of the Mountains

As a family, we have had the tremendous opportunity to take a trip to Colorado. I’ve always wanted to visit the mountains, but until now, I never have. Last Saturday was pretty crazy, I must admit. Waking up, eating, then double-checking all of our 12 suitcases to be sure...

Raindrops: A Poem

In the early morning hours, On the porch I sit. I sip my coffee and think about lovely things. And I listen to the birds singing. And the rain that falls from the grey skies Is so beautiful, And peaceful. And I sigh with wonder. In the early morning...

Songbirds: A Poem

In the early morning sunlight, the songbirds awaken. We see them now, in the branches of the maples, Singing with no thought for tomorrow. The light of the sun shows us their gentle beauty, Their eyes, so bright. The cares of the day have not reached them; They have...

Jobs Are For Smart People: Jack’s Tale

Desperation can make people do some very silly things. Now, his mother had warned him. She had told him not to do it. Jack should have listened! If he had listened, then he would never be where he is now… in danger of being a giant’s lunch! Oh Jack,  you...

Test-Taking, Lucky Tunicas, and A Picture of My Future

I asked a good friend of mine what I should blog about recently. I was just stumped. Sure, I could ramble on about life and books and stories some more, but I’ve done a lot of that and wanted to write something different. Of course, she had plenty of...

The Beauty in the Long Way

A faithful reader of mine told me that she had been checking my blog every day in hopes of a new post. That’s one of the reasons I’m writing this now. I don’t know what I’m going to write about tonight. I’m going to start typing and see what...