“Some Things Never Change”?

Before you’re scared away by the title, No, this post is not about Frozen II. 😂 I watched Frozen II with my sisters this week. If you’ve seen it, you’ll remember the song, “Some Things Never Change”. I’ve seen the movie before (several times, haha, having three sisters). But...

Joan of Arc art

This was my history project this week. It’s a sad, heavy topic – Joan of Arc’s death. She was a brave teenaged girl who turned the tide of the 100 Year War. I started out by using a reference drawing I found online – sketching and then watercoloring. When...

Snow days & peaceful blessings

Yesterday it snowed. A lot. I woke up and looked out the window around eight yesterday, and yup, it was snowing. And it didn’t stop! It kept on falling all day, until the world outside was silent, white, and cold. This morning it’s stopped, leaving behind 7 or 8...

“Just Be With Me”

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what I want this year to look like. Last year was good in so many ways. I feel like I’ve grown up a lot, learned a little bit more about God’s love, and deepened my friendships. I have a lot of things...

New year, new paths – same God

Happy 2022, everyone! Wow, the new year has snuck up on us. It feels like it was just September, doesn’t it? Oh, time flies. A new year is always somewhere between exciting and daunting. On one hand, it is a fresh start. A chance to take a look at...