Tag: Beauty

Snow days & peaceful blessings

Yesterday it snowed. A lot. I woke up and looked out the window around eight yesterday, and yup, it was snowing. And it didn’t stop! It kept on falling all day, until the world outside was silent, white, and cold. This morning it’s stopped, leaving behind 7 or 8...

Trying to find rest in a stressed-out world

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the importance of rest. (I wrote a poem about it a while back – you can read it here.)It’s sort of been in the back of my mind for a long time now, and I’ve lately been pondering, what does it mean...

Christmas time is here…

🎵Christmas time is here…🎵 It’s that time of year again. The beginning of December, when things seem to at once speed up and slow down. Last night my family started Advent, which is our December tradition. Every night of December, we gather around in the living room, light one...

Take it Slowly: A Poem

Growing up. What is growing up? The riddle of life. We can’t see it happening But when we look back, we suddenly realize that it has. . An innocence shrouds childhood, A silent awareness of the time passing. We grip each moment with our little hands, And linger in...

Fallen: A Poem

Pride is a pit. A pit full of darkness. Between mountains it lies hidden. The Boy wasn’t looking for it. No, he was looking for something higher. He was climbing the mountain slowly, his feet moving higher with every word of praise he received. “They love me,” he had...

Sunrise: A Poem

The sky is pink this morning. I see houses silhouetted by the morning sun. Strokes of lavender, wisps of blue, you are painting the sky for your own pleasure, and I get to watch. You’re a God of joy. You like to smile. Does the sunrise make you smile?...

Rest: A Poem

God, I’ve had a word on my mind for a while now. And I don’t know what to do with it. Is it from you? I don’t know, maybe it is. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing. The word makes me wonder, God. Do I get the wrong...