A rainy cabin and a Shepherd who knows you

A rainy cabin

This week we went on a family getaway to a cabin in the woods. Well, we were supposed to stay in a tent, but because of the very rainy forecast, we opted to stay in a cabin.

The cabin was just as log-cabin-y as I’d hoped, the porch was lovely (perfect for sitting and playing guitar and/or writing) and there were lots of trails for biking. And yeah, it did rain a lot.

But you know, I didn’t really mind. Some people might look out on a grey, hazy, rainy day and feel disappointed… but I love rain, and secretly feel pleased when I see it pouring down, even if it means no biking for the moment.

We did time it pretty well, though. As soon as there was a break in the rain we’d rush out to our bikes, dry off the seats with a towel, and ride around until it started up again. I hadn’t ridden a bike in years before this week, and I can tell you, I am quite sore now. Who knew it took so many muscles to ride a bike?!

It was nice, having two days with no agenda. Two days to take a deep breath during this busy season of life and refresh.

Known by your Shepherd

Friday morning I woke up, snuck out to the cabin porch with a mug of steamy coffee, and reveled in the rainy morning, sitting alone in the chill with my Good Shepherd. There was something so peaceful about the morning. I was by myself but my family wasn’t far, and I breathed in the peace I felt in Jesus’ presence.

It wasn’t anything magical. The air didn’t shimmer. It was just me sitting on a porch, glasses on my nose, my heart whispering to the One who created me.

I read one of my favorite passages in the Bible, John 10.

I wanted to share this bit with you:

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.

John 10: 27-28

Okay, great. Now read that again. Imagine Jesus speaking it directly to you.

You listen to my voice.
I know you.
No one will snatch you out of my hand.

His love is mind-boggling, isn’t it?
We’re his children.
We have nothing to fear.

No one will snatch us out of his hand.

Be reminded of his goodness. Be encouraged!

And finally, a random recommendation…

On the drive home yesterday afternoon I listened to podcasts for a while to pass the time.  Now, I don’t know how many of you are familiar with Drew Miller and the Rabbit Room, but they have this podcast called The Molehill.

Let’s just say I found it quite delightful. (Words of Befuddlement, anyone?)

Comment below to tell me what you think. When do you feel best known by your Shepherd?


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