Tag: God's goodness

Fallen: A Poem

Pride is a pit. A pit full of darkness. Between mountains it lies hidden. The Boy wasn’t looking for it. No, he was looking for something higher. He was climbing the mountain slowly, his feet moving higher with every word of praise he received. “They love me,” he had...

Sunrise: A Poem

The sky is pink this morning. I see houses silhouetted by the morning sun. Strokes of lavender, wisps of blue, you are painting the sky for your own pleasure, and I get to watch. You’re a God of joy. You like to smile. Does the sunrise make you smile?...

Rest: A Poem

God, I’ve had a word on my mind for a while now. And I don’t know what to do with it. Is it from you? I don’t know, maybe it is. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing. The word makes me wonder, God. Do I get the wrong...

Let’s Write: A Poem

Frustration fills me as I stare at the blank page. I know I can do this, I tell myself. I know I can do this. Then why is it so hard? Every day I take out pen and page, filled with a hard determination. I’ll do it this time,...

Waters: A Poem

In this hour, This day, This minute, We are keenly aware of the fact That life is a handful of water Gripped in our tightly clasped fingers. The more we clench our fists, The more tightly we hold on to the droplets, The faster they drip between our fingers...

Raindrops II: A Poem

Drop. Drop. Drip. Drop. Look up, child, and see the rain. See how it falls? It falls from the heavens. So high. See the clouds? Don’t be afraid. See the drops? Hundreds. Thousands. Millions and millions and millions Of drops. I made them for you, child. Look at the...

Because You Are Mine: A Poem

I see it all around me. What the world calls beautiful. Glamour, Artifice, Power. And I look at myself. And what I see is not Glamorous, Artificial, Powerful— And I tremble at my ignorance. And I ask, God, Why am I not beautiful? Didn’t you make me to be...

Souvenirs, Stickers, and So Forth

Have I mentioned how I fell in love with Estes Park the moment I laid eyes on it? I suppose you could call it love at first sight. Not just the town, full of the tourist shops and quaint roads, but the whole place. The mountains and trees (there...

The Splendor of the Mountains

As a family, we have had the tremendous opportunity to take a trip to Colorado. I’ve always wanted to visit the mountains, but until now, I never have. Last Saturday was pretty crazy, I must admit. Waking up, eating, then double-checking all of our 12 suitcases to be sure...

Raindrops: A Poem

In the early morning hours, On the porch I sit. I sip my coffee and think about lovely things. And I listen to the birds singing. And the rain that falls from the grey skies Is so beautiful, And peaceful. And I sigh with wonder. In the early morning...